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products电子产品对人有影响Electronic products have influence on the people我们应该合理利用电子产品We should make use of electronic products现在我们无论何时何地都在使用电子产品Now we are everywhere in the use of electronic products如有不懂请追问,满意请及时采纳,谢谢;电子产品公司 Electronic Products Company 电子产品有限公司 Electronic Products Co,Ltd。

我生活在一个现代化社会,科技发达电子产品遍布我们的生活用英语表达I live in a modern society with advanced technology and electronic products all over our lives注完全没有问题,希望帮助到您请及时点击采纳;Ten years ago few people had mobile phonesBut now mobile phones have become rather common ,even high school students may have one But is that a good thing We wondered It gose without saying that mobile phones bring us much benefits ,such as chating wherever we`re ,getting;车载电子产品,英文Car Kit 希望能帮到你。

The pace of life is increasing with the advancements of electronic product随着电子产品的发展,生活节奏不断增快分析 电子产品早就出现了,所以用电子产品的存在,导致我们生活节奏加快,不是很恰当最好是随着电子产品的发展原句虽然是电子产品使,虽然可以翻译为the advancements of;电子产品英语是electronic products 重点词汇electronics 英 #618#716lek#712tr#594n#618ks 美 #618#716lek#712trɑ#720n#618ksn 电子学电子设备,电子器件 例句1Several countries are displaying electronic products一些国家正在展示电子产品2H;1What do you think of computer?Computer is very useful for us The Internet is a great facility for collecting information The Internet makes it easy to build social connections we can have a lot of friends all over the world and reach much knowledge by Internet Millions of。

Computer is an useful thing for our humanAnd it has many interesting task,such as surfing the InternetNow,computer is more and more important in our life,you can buy something you like with the comp;电子产品我们经常接触的有手机电脑等,你是否也有写过这样型别的英语作文呢下面是我给大家整理的电子产品英语写作,供大家参阅!面对日新月异的电子产品该如何选择 Varieties of electronic gadgets, without which some of us can’t live, e into being Despite their conveniences, they bring。

The house keys have been passed to our housesitters, the dog has been sent to a pet penitentiary, and I am on vacation I have fled the city and the country, for that with the wife and kids so we can spend a week with my parents, brother, sisters, brothersinlaw;computer Can you live long,if there not yet invent computer?i think you cantso what is a computerwhats it forcomputer is a electornic devinceyou can play game on it ,you can find friends in it,do busness,and so on !if there you want something to know,you can。


